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January 2013 Inkigayo Magazine Interview 2013년 1월 인가매거진 인터뷰 Having recently appeared in a fashion pictorial 'AUM PARTY', Jaehyung, with his statue-like looks that seems to have came straight out of a painting, has now added modeling to his list of credits, but it seems that he has not given up on his very much mismatched desire to be "Heodang Jaehyung". With a theme of "a man who's prettier than a woman", and looks like that of an art object, but a shock.. 더보기
August 2012 Inkigayo Magazine Interview 인가매거진 인터뷰 (1부) #Jaehyung (180cm, 61kg, 23 years old) - In charge of visuals in the team. In contrast to the cold impression he gives, his warm and lively smile is his charm. His resemblance to his senior previously in the same company, Kim Hyun Joong, became a topic of conversation before his debut. POST KIM HYUN JOONG Those are very heavy words... after it was said that I look very much like him, there were m.. 더보기
The ideal type of Jaehyung, visual of A-JAX? 1. 내 이름은? Name? 재형(서재형) Seo Jaehyung2. 데뷔하게 된 계기는? 연습 기간은? What was your motivation for debuting? How long was your training period? 가수의 꿈을 키우면서 연습한 기간은 2년 정도 됐다.  With my dream of becoming a singer, I trained for about 2 years.3. 연습 기간을 거치며 가장 힘들었던 점은? 힘이 됐던 사람은? 좌우명은? What was the most difficult thing when you were a trainee? Who helped you out the most? What is your motto?실력의 부족을 느낄 때가 가장 힘들었.. 더보기